NOW AVAILABLE to all shopify merchants

Manage credit card authorizations

Reduce fees, prevent revenue loss, increase customer satisfaction

Void an Authorization

How to void authorization transaction

Enter the customer’s order number to void a pending authorization. No need to look up the Shopify ID or contact IT. Customer service can manage straight from the Shopify admin.

Dashboard Summary

Dashboard Summary

Have visibility to which orders will incur an extra 1.75% Shopify Payments processing fee and when (Shopify Plus Merchants only). Monitor and action on expiring authorizations for Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover Card, Paypal. Prioritize fulfillment and capture of Paypal, American Express and Discover Card orders.

Find all expiring authorizations

Find all expiring authorizations

Find all upcoming authorizations that will expire and how many days. Transactions exportable to CSV.

options to fit your business needs

available plans

The cost of the plans will pay for itself in customer satisfaction/retention, fee avoidance and lost revenue.

Plan NameFeatures
$65 per month
-Void authorization transaction made by Shopify Payments.
$95 per month
-Void authorization transaction made by Shopify Payments.
-Dashboard summarizing days left to extra 1.75% fee, days for authorization expiration, Paypal honor period expiration.
-Find all expiring authorizations.
-Export transactions to CSV.

Contact us

For a demo, please send us a message and we will follow-up.

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